Capacity Building & Consultancy

We offer an extensive range of consultancy and training services to our clients in specific fields. These areas include:

  • Electoral Affairs
  • Governance & Parliamentary Strengthening
  • Health Sector
  • Public Sector Reforms (Devolved and Special Funds)

Our comprehensive training programmes are specifically designed to equip individuals and organizations with knowledge and skills to manage the constantly evolving challenges facing Governments and public sectors across East Africa.

In addition to our open programmes held within East Africa, we are able to either tailor an existing course to meet your organisation's specific learning requirements, or design an entirely new customized one. This in-house training can be set up conveniently in any location across the country and in East Africa, according to the needs of our client.

Our training curriculum is consistently updated and improved based on findings from our research team. This ensures that we offer the most relevant, current information available.

In addition to learning from leading local, as well as international experts, participants in our open programmes also benefit from the network hub we create, they learn from peers around the world and exchange experiences and practices.